Friday, April 18, 2014

Keep Your Overhead Low and Your Supply Closet Organized

For business owners keeping your overhead low is a top priority. Research shows that higher levels of organization lead to higher levels of productivity. Here are a few tips to help make your office supply orders more cost effective and to make your supply closet much more organized.

  1. Keep the supply storage space locked and secure.  One of the best things you can do if you want to impose order and track inventory is keep the supply closet locked. You can also try locking cabinets for smaller companies with limited storage space.
  2. Set up a supply hub. This can serve as one central area for all of your office supply distribution and storage.  Replace multiple supply closets with a systematic central supply room. This streamlines the distribution process for supplies across the room. 
  3. Optimize your supplies. Using a digital tracking system for your supplies will really beef up the efficiency of tracking supply and demand in your office. Bar coding is a common practice for larger companies to trace the usage of important equipment.
  4. Keep it simple. By sticking to one type of dry-erase marker, one type of notepads and one type of sticky note pad you can reduce your supply order to a much simpler version of itself. Having less options for the same functionality  simplifies product orders and the re-stocking process. 

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